Final Concept Art

All Concept Art

This is my final concept art sheet. 2 of the drawings were sketches which i cleaned up and coloured in Photoshop shop and the other was done entirely in Photoshop. the windmill has 3 different concepts each with a difference. the first is plain, the second has rust added and uses a different layer mode and the third is the same as the second but with additional shading. The boomerang and the Kangaroo sign were both sketches that i have uploaded to the blog as thumbnail sketches. i used Photoshop to make them look more professional and add colour.


Isometric Perspective

In our Concept art sessions we practiced using a different perspective which was isometric. Isometric is a different way of drawing. It involves using vertical lines but no horizontal lines.

Isometric Table

This is a table I drew using Isometric perspective, simple shading and textures. I took a piece of isometric paper and drew over it to make the outline of the table. I then got 4 different shades of brown and used them to shaded the table. After that i found a texture of Google images and used it to fill in each face of the table giving it texture.










Thumbnail Sketches


This is a thumbnail sketch of a kangaroo warning sign that are found next to roads in the Australian outback. I took inspiration for this sketch from an image on the internet that i found on Google images. I then went on to take this into Photoshop and clean it up and add colour to make it into a more professional piece of concept art.



This is another thumbnail sketch. I took inspiration for this boomerang from a picture that i found on Google images. I then went on to give this sketch colour and clean it up in Photoshop.



Outback Concept Art

fullThis is my concept art for the outback. I searched on Google for props that are generally found there and I came across these four things. I drew them on separate canvases in Photoshop with my Wacom Bamboo graphics tablet and used clipping masks to insert grunge textures over them to make them stand out more. I then put them all on one canvas and added a texture for the background so that it didn’t look as boring. I set the background texture to ‘overlay’ to make it subtle so it wasn’t a struggle to see the actual concept art. For the grunge textures on the actual objects, I set them to either ‘soft light’ or ‘overlay’ depending on how dark the colours are. As I left this quite late I had to rush the task so the drawings look quite messy, especially the cactus in the top right corner. If I had more time I would do them again and put more effort into it. If I ever have to do a task like this again I will make sure that I manage my time properly and put more into it.

Thumbnail Sketches

Here is an image of a shack that I found on Google images whilst doing my research and I thought that it would be a good idea for this to be placed in the environment because it gives of the atmospheric impression that the outback is isolated and abandoned being the look that we wanted in our setting. Shack


After deciding that I wanted to use this shack I began to draw it out on paper.Shack drawing



Now that I have finished drawing that shack I uploaded it into Photoshop where I neaten it up and added shading to make it look better but also cartoony which is also the style that we are trying to achieve.



This is the final concept image for the shack.